Dog Door

Our program will receive accelerometer data from one ESP32, and use this data to turn on/off a corresponding LED color-- the inspiration is that if the accelerometer were flush against a pet door or something similar, the average accelerations along the xyz axes could tell the owner when their pet is entering or leaving the house.

1 Lifts 


Name Description
Sensor Reading Webspace This PHP webspace saves the data to the CSV file.   Link
PHP Webspace Code This is the PHP code that reads and writes the accelerometer outputs.   Download
CSV file The CSV file collects the accelerometer outputs and gets replaced every time there is new data being received.   Download
Sensor Reading and HTTP Post code This code is written in C, it accesses the data from the sensor and then posts the data to be read by the PHP code.   Download
PHP Reading and LED code This code is written in C, it reads the data from the PHP webspace and depending on the data will turn a corresponding LED.   Download
Project Video Walkthrough This is a video walkthrough of our project, including images of the code (especially as written in C for Arduino). It details the intention of our project, inspiration, and journey. (This is a link to our video which is UNLISTED on Youtube. This means it cannot be accessed without the link-- please click the link to access the video or share it as it cannot be found via Youtube search.)   Link