Embedded System Digital Audio Loop Station

This project demonstrates the development of a “loop pedal” using the Teensy 4.1 microcontroller and several other peripherals. Fundamentally, the pedal is intended to record and playback multiple (four) audio tracks, and provide several audio effects that can be applied to each track. The user interface enables the device to be operated in real time with minimal latency, and additionally allows users to save and load loops to/from an SD-based library.

0 Lifts 


Name Description
Design Document This document outlines the design and ideas that went into building this project   Download
Teensy 4.1 Where you can purchase the Teensy 4.1   Link
Audio Adapter Where you can purchase the audio adapter (Rev D) used for this project   Link
Protyping System Where you can purchase the prototyping board used for this project   Link
Project Showcase Video Project Showcase Video   Link