Two-axis SCARA Robotic Arm - EJ21 - ECE342-W23


Our SCARA Two-Axis Robotic Arm is set to draw on a 11x8.5" piece of paper. The arm is controlled with a graphical user interface (GUI) and keyboard inputs. This system contains a "free-hand" drawing feature where users can enter WASD keys to control the movement of the arm. Embedded within the arm is a program that processes serial data from the GUI, performs calculations to find the optimal movements for the arm, and sends outputs to the motor drivers. The arm system is controlled by an Arduino Uno microcontroller that sends modulation signals to two connected motor drivers that processes and converts these signals to motor logic, governing the precise movements of the two motor steppers. A key accomplishment of this robotic arm is the GUI that allows for real-time user input from the WASD keys to control the movement the arm. An area of improvement for this project would to be implement better protections on the printed circuit board (PCB) to prevent sudden surges in electrical power and flow that have damaged the motor drivers and steppers during testing.

3 Lifts 


Name Description
Executive Project Summary Summary of the engineering requirements, the approach taken during development, and key takeaways from this project.   Download
Project Presentation Video Project showcase video documenting and highlighting key achievements, problem-solving, and footage of the robotic arm.   Link
Free-Hand Mode Demonstration Footage of robotic arm being used to draw a person.   Link
Customer/Engineering Requirements Customer and engineering requirements for the project.   Download
System Verification Documentation Documentation of test plan, system interfaces, artifacts, and code.   Link
Github Repository Github repository containing the Python GUI code and the Arduino Kinematics code.   Link