WiFi Time Tracker

Client Side
Server Side
Embedded Systems

The WIFI Time Tracker is used to keep track of how long a task is being performed. There are 6 possible tasks that can be kept track of. An MPU-6050 Accelerometer module is used to determine which of the 6 sides of a cube are set on a flat surface. Based off the values received by an ESP-8266 WiFi module, a task number is sent to as a post request to webpage. At this point, the previous task is ended and updated in the database and then the new task is marked as active. This webpage keeps track of the time the task is being performed. When a new task is received by the webpage, the previous task stops its time and the new task’s time begins while a total work time continues to run.

1 Lifts 


Name Description
GitHub Repository GitHub Repository where all associated code is located.   Link
Block Diagram Block Diagram for the WiFi Time Tracker.   Download
Website Website made to keep track of task times.   Link
Bill of Materials The cost of each part used.   Download
Video Video of Time Tracker changing tasks.   Link