Remotely Operated HyperRail System Team 11 ECE342-W21

3D Printing
Embedded Systems
Junior Design

Description: The HyperRail system allows a user to move an interchangeable tool 2-3 meters in three dimensional space. The system can easily be adopted for many different functionalities, but it's intended use is to remotely collect data or perform simple tasks for ongoing experiments. An intuitive Graphical User Interface allows for XYZ coordinate inputs in different measurement units and movement styles, as well as various auxiliary commands. The entered commands are transmitted wirelessly as G-code to an ESP32 Wi-Fi communication board. Which then sends the command through serial communication to an Arduino Nano for interpretation. The Arduino sends movement signals to a system of stepper motors and servos to perform the intended function. The system features a robotic grasping mechanism and some quality of life features, such as a low power mode, which puts the system into a sleep state and can reduce power consumption by around 57%. Although the remote work due to COVID-19 made it difficult to test hardware, our final result was an impressively well integrated system that will hopefully serve future developers and scientists well.

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Name Description
Executive Summary Summary statement from the accomplishments of the Remotely Operated HyperRail System including a project timeline.   Download
Project Summary Video Project summary video outlining the system and our success implementing it. Also includes a short elevator speech at the beginning.   Link
Developer Guide Documentation for future use of the Remotely Operated HyperRail System. Includes a system overview, electrical specifications, a user guide, various artifacts from the design, PCB information, along with a total bill of materials.   Download